Caen Botto
PaNoPtYk pArAdOx
“PaNoPtYk pArAdOx” is an immersive real-time audiovisual environment which explores the possibilities and consequences of simultaneously perceiving an unfolding of multiple perspectives in an abstract digital landscape formed by the unified presentation of the vision fields of four cameras – each angled at 90° to cover 360° of the entire virtual scene.
The Perception Opera
The performance explores the synesthesic relation between sound/music with color, as well as the potential ways to represent a vibrating space from the relation between light and sound frequencies. The result is a sonic-graphical and constantly transforming composition of analog/digital sounds, extreme vocals, color intensities and spatial vibrations.
Digital Hug
Hong Kong
The project is in collaboration with Henry Chu, Adrian Yeung, Thomas Ip, Joseph Chan, XEX GRP, and Hamlet Lin. GayBird and his group of "musical frankensteins" developed a series of unconventional custom-made musical instruments and a responsive sound installation, which are played in complement to interactive video-mapping images and animation.
Marco Donnarumma
Music for Flesh II
United Kingdom
“Music for Flesh II” is a seamless mediation between human biosonic potential and algorithmic composition. By enabling a computer to sense and interact with the muscular sonic potential of human tissues, the work approaches the biological body as a means for computational artistry.
Uwe Schmidt
Atom™ live V. 6.0
Atom™ consists in a semi-improvised audiovisual set. Just one machine is used to control audio and video, which are played, altered, and re-organized live, on stage. Basically, the audio data trigger and play the video data, and with the alteration of sound, modifications of the visuals are produced. Atom™'s live set is updated and slightly modified on a yearly basis, and this year it is in its 6th version.